Rainforest Rice™

Zero Cholesterol | Low in Fat | Low in Sugar | Low in Sodium | High in Protein | Good Source of Iron | Good Source of Anti-Oxidants | Gluten Free and Wheat Free | No Harmful Chemicals, such as Pesticides, Additives, and Preservatives

Rainforest Rice™

Sunria Rainforest RiceTM takes you on a journey of wellness through an Indonesian tropical rainforest. With its array of exotic colors and aroma of tropical flowers, It is nature's nourishment for health in a rice blend packed with iron, fiber, and anti-oxidants to rejuvenate the body. Merging into a gorgeous purple when cooked, this mix of brown, red, and black rice, is the ultimate rice to reward your body and your senses. Suitable for: salads, pilafs, side dish, casseroles, and grills.
Nutrition Fact+
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Sunria Rice Project

Sunrias works hand-in-hand with farmers to produce premium organic rice. We help small-scale Indonesian farmers trapped in decades of poverty cycles, by introducing fair trade practices, and empowering them to grow better rice in a more sustainable manner. Using revolutionary SRI System of Rice Intensification method, Sunria farmers are now able to save 50% fresh water, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase biodiversity and fertility, and harvest up to 78% more paddy for their livelihood. With Sunria Rice, enjoy a tastier and more nutritious organic rice to benefit your health, the environment, and humanity!

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Ni L.

Enaak nasinya. Suka warna harumnya, biasanya masih dicampur sama beras putih biasa si

Ni Luh

Awalnya beli yg kemasan kecil dulu buat nyobain, ternyata suka walopun masaknya masih dicampur sama nasi putih biasa. Ortu jg suka banget, apalagi mereka emang ada borderline kolesterol & gula tinggi

Colorfull Rainforest Rice for better Live

This rice soooo nice when i mix with my side dish, beside its eye cathcing because of that colour it also good for our body because it has a lot of nutrition. I mix this rice with other like protein for saving my energy,its perfect FOR my diet program because this rice have less sugar, no cholesterol and much more vitamin. Sunria Organic rice for better Live!

My Elixir of Youth!

I believe that beauty should be inside out, and I LOVE the fact that this rice that has anthocyanin, one of the best anti-aging antioxidants you can have! Blueberry is seasonal and super expensive here, and this rice gives me anthocyanin with more fiber and less sugar. Eating this rice regularly for two weeks... I notice that I have better digestion, I feel more energetic and younger, and my skin is firmer. I am giving this rice to my mom!